Gifting the bands of power.

Bands of Power (‘chumpi rites’)

(at 2.00 mins in this video)

After opening sacred space, we open our virracocha over ourselves and over them.

The taking a moment to silently set intention, and a ‘may i give these connections’

Some people say something beforehand like:

“my sister/brother i offer you these bands as they were gifted to me, may they be strong and vibrant, may they empower you and may you empower them, may these bands transform whatever comes at you into earth, water, fire or air.”

then with their agreement to receive these rites…

the stone is put on the crown energy centre, at the top of the head. then is slid down the mid-line down the back of the head to the neck, from the neck all the way down to the feet and round and up the midline so the stone is at the sacral (2nd) energy centre.

then with the stone moving from front to back, back to front on one side, and the other side at the level of the sacral (2nd) energy centre, the black band of earth is traced.
then can hold for a moment, and feel/sense this black band of the earth….

then moving up the front midline to the solar plexus, the same actions again at this level of the solar plexus energy centre, tracing/weaving the red band of water.

then moving up the front midline to the heart , the same actions this time trace/weave at this level the golden band of fire.

then moving up again, this time to the throat, these actions trace/weave the silver band of air – of the wind.

then up to the mid-forehead energy centre, where traced/woven is the white light source, creating energy band.

then up the midline to the crown…. the hands come from the crown and allow rainbow threads to come and weave these bands together…. the white light band to the silver band of air, the silver band of air to the golden band of fire, the golden band of fire to the red
band of water, red band of water to the black band of earth.

You might like to do this silently (like in the video above), or you might like to add words… that describe the actions, intentions and the quality of these elements, ways they assist us…silent or with words – I find both as powerful – the words can assist those new to this work know consciously what is happening and remember the bands…. these are:

The beginning-the intention is that from the crown chakra, light flows down the back of the head, to the top of the spine. then from the spine all the way down to the feet, and up the front of the body, to the level of  the sacral energy centre

Words/qualities associated with the bands include
Black band. The qualities of the dark, nurturing earth that you can allow to hold you with love and acceptance… as it does each day…here you can plant the seeds of your becoming, and allow them to settle here, to feel safe and held too…a place where you can allow the seeds here to develop roots and grow…and these black bands of the earth can hold and nurture them and ourselves…just as the earth holds and nurtures us, with love and deep acceptance.

Red band.  The band of water, the blood of the earth that flows around the earth – in the seas, the rivers, the streams, the rain, and flows around our bodies, and nourishing our bodies, nourishing our cells….the water that feeds the seeds of your becoming, nourishing the seeds so that they can grow… you can feel how the waters of the earth flow within your own body, and be aware of how the life blood nourishes you, so that your seeds can grow.

Gold band. The band of fire, and represents the warmth and nourishment of the sun that feeds the seeds and gives them, and you, the energy to grow… where you can feel the warmth and energy of the rays of the sun nurturing you. here it is said the seeds of your becoming that are rooted in the dark earth, and as fed by the water, are fed here by the sun, and they grow strong stems  and bear fruit.

Silver band. The band of air that feeds the leaves with it’s breath….the wind that gently blows the new seeds that have grown, blowing them out into the world. here is a place where you can step into your becoming, step into your power, with freedom, trust and power, knowing the world welcomes you as you take your unique place within it. Some say this also connects us to the stars, that look after us as we sleep – and our connection to these star energies.

White/light   band.  The band of white light – source creating energy -representing the wisdom that we can receive directly from this source energy that creates and co-creates with us in our lives – where we can feel that connection to this energy-to ourselves. Some say they also connect us with the white snow tipped mountains – where so much wisdom can be found.,

Rainbow Threads – weaving the bands together – a rainbow fountain flowing all the way to the earth … with you surrounded in this luminious rainbow of light that empowers, supports and nourishes you.


Then after all of these movements, the stone is removed, and a moment is taken to feel all of this.

Then, if choose to do so, to connect and feel these bands further, the receiver can take a little time to expand out each of the bands one by one – to see how these feel….using awareness and intention, and the transmitter of these, can use their hands too to assist.

…and in this place (or any other time), can empower and enliven these the receiver connecting with the earth energy around them – or from a place they know well, and allowing that earth energy to flow into and through the earth band…. repeating this for the other bands.

….feeling how it feels to have them expanded…

then with intention, and with hands too guiding, bringing each band in close to the skin – one by one….to a place where is comfortable…

….then when this is done, often something may be said like….

“my sister/brother it’s an honour to give you these rites as they have been given to me, may they be of assistance to you in your journey….these bands of power woven into your luminous energy field can allow you to step fully into your power. these bands are here to protect you, to hold you, to nourish you. you are supported by the earth in the black band, the waters of the earth in the red band, the rays of the sun in the gold band, the air in the silver band, the wisdom of the ancient ones and great spirit in the white band….you can call upon their wisdom, and allow them to become your allies. you can know that you are always held and protected.
i gift you these bands as they were given to me. with munay – with love ”



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